embellish studios
Creator of #LapStudio for couch art, urban sketching, or plein aire. Making art easier for anyone!
I really love mixing fabrics, and this lemon fabri
Stitching plants is a slippery slope, because I ke
Introducing the ONE & ONLY Embellish Studios Slouc
What a great way to do art, pack this small kit an
Beads, patchwork pockets, embroidery and a great s
Purses, bags and pollen! Seriously, can you tell I
Lap Studios for art in the wild, or in a garden, o
Mini art kit # 8742.5 😂 Now I'm hooked on makin
Who loves a pile of journals and a giant fluffy ca
Art tote? Market bag? Knitting bag? Overflow misce
Drawstring bag heading to my shop! Vintage fabrics
Even when drawing and sewing at heart I'm an art j
I'm celebrating my website being up and running ag
Today's bag features scrap fabric twine!
Being an artist most often means we have many thin
Lately I've been scattered, I am feeling rushed be
Here's my Lap Studio in action! #lapstudio #urbans
What's your favourite place to do art?
Hmmmm, what should I wear today?
I almost feel like a grown up now! Soon, I might s
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Napoleon Hill
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